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Your channel header help is right here.

Don't waste one more minute trying to figure out where the text or your photo will be trimmed or where to place the important images and text. I got ya covered. 👇

Download this easy-to-use Canva template with guides and tips so you know exactly where to place your "about you" info and call-to-action. FREE!

Your channel header let's your visitors what your channel is all about and why they should stay and soak it all in.

No need to reinvent the wheel. This template will show you how your channel art will show up on mobile, desktop, and on a TV. This is important to know.

PS: More than 70% of people watch YouTube on mobile devices so making sure it looks good there is vital. The guides ( will see guide lines) show you where your tagline or topic is in jeaopardy of being cut off. I've made it easy to work with the toughest nut first.

Happy creating!

Your easy peasy guide to creating your YouTube channel header.

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